The Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred, the only monthly magazine dedicated to the Thoroughbred industry in the region, serves to promote Thoroughbred breeding and racing in the eight-state Mid-Atlantic region, including Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. The magazine provides news, information, education and entertainment to Thoroughbred owners, trainers, breeders and enthusiasts throughout the region.
Published since 1991, this monthly magazine is totally devoted to Thoroughbred racing and breeding in the region.
Informative and entertaining with a fresh professional design, Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred brings owners, breeders, trainers and industry enthusiasts valuable news, information and insight concerning the vital racing and breeding-for-racing business.
For our advertisers, it offers a cost-effective, efficient way to let Thoroughbred owners, breeders and trainers in the Mid-Atlantic region know about your business or services, presenting a totally unique and exciting marketing opportunity. No other Thoroughbred weekly or monthly publication comes even close in circulation numbers for this region to what Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred offers. With each issue you reach every member of state breed associations, every Mid-Atlantic owner and trainer licensed by state racing commissions in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, 10,000 breeders, owners and trainers active in racing and breeding in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Owners, breeders and trainers are invited to join the Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred Club online, for reduced subscription price at MidAtlanticTB.com
National Advertising contact: j.midatlanticbred@yahoo.com
Regional Advertising contact: barrie@marylandthoroughbred.com
Offices located at:
30 East Padonia Road, Suite 303
Timonium, MD 21093